Caffe Izzo SA

S5 TA 2gr EK
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La Spaziale S5 EK T.A. 2 Group Chrome LED

SKU: LSP-M4378


Electronic Temperature Control

The operating temperature in the S5 is indicated by an LED panel that allows the barista to always and easily visualise the temperature of the boiler and to adjust it at any time.

The electronic control is also essential as it allows an optimal and very fine regulation of the operating temperature of the machines, based on the coffee blend being used.

The Coffee Machine includes the following free of charge:

3 in stock



•Electronic coffee machine with proportioned dose setting
•Electric heating system
•1 hot water outlet
•2 steam wands
•Boiler heating element safety thermostat
•Automatic boiler refill
•Control of malfunction alarms
•Stainless steel body
•Gas heating system (2 and 3 groups)
•Dimensions: 770 (L) x 530 (D) x 600mm (H)
•Weight: 70kg

Additional information

Weight 90 kg
Dimensions 77 × 53 × 60 cm